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PSO-PC Teleconf, Thursday, 1st February 2001 (1 )

Dear All,

Based on your kind confirmations, the PSO-PC Teleconference will be held on
Thursday, February 1st, 2001, at 15:00 CET. Estimated duration of the
Teleconference: 1 hour.

The names marked with asterisk have confirmed their participation:

Livia Rosu                      +33 4-92-94-43-67 *
Steve Bellovin                  +1 973-360-8656  *
Fabio Bigi                      +41 22 730 5860  *
Bridget P. Cosgrave             +33 4-92-94-4211
Leslie Daigle                    +1 514-633-8963  *
Philipp Hoschka                 +33 4-92-38-79-84
Gerry Lawrence                  +44 2476-56-2965  *
Brian Moore                     +44 1206-76-2335  *
Daniel Weitzner                 +1 617-253-8036

Please get back to me if your number will change in the mean-time.
Otherwise, the toll-free call-in number to add yourself to the
teleconference in progress is +33 (0) 800 58 79 04.


1. Introduction

Roll Call
Approval of the Agenda

2. Analyse impact of the newly selected TLDs

3. Review voting mechanism for 2001 nomination to the ICANN Board

4. The second PSO nomination to the Nominating Committee for the Independent
Review Committee

5. Consider possible dates for PSO GA 2001, content and speakers

6. AOB

Best Regards,

Livia Rosu
PSO-PC Secretary