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Re: Next PSO-PC Teleconference

In message <7B7F473688DBD211B56C00805F85906C011CE51B@EMAIL2>, Livia Rosu Lungur
an writes:
>Dear All,
>As various things occurred over the last three months for the Internet
>community, it might be good to organize a teleconference towards the end of
>January 2001, so that we all get up-to-date and up-to-speed, identifying in
>advance main issues to be considered for the up-coming 2001 ;-)
>If you welcome this idea, the week starting Monday, 29 January 2001, looks
>well positioned for that. Please let me know your suggestions, so that we
>can pick up the most convenient day for all of us.

I'm tied up Tuesday afternoon U.S. EST and all day Friday.  The rest of
the week looks pretty clear.

                --Steve Bellovin