The 25 August 2000 PSO-PC Teleconference is scheduled at the following time: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15:00 CET UTC/GMT+2 9:00 US East Coast UTC/GMT-4 (DST+1) 6:00 US West Coast UTC/GMT-7 (DST+1) 23:00 Melbourne UTC/GMT+10 (DST+0) 22:00 Japan/Korea UTC/GMT+9 (DST+0) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference (Coordinated Universal Time) UTC 13:00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local time between April and October, 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you might be traveling the day scheduled for the teleconference, please have a look at for other places' local times. Estimated duration of the 25 August 2000 Teleconference: 1 hour. The toll-free call-in number is +33 4 91 20 10 57. The confirmation number (access password) is 8259. The following names marked with asterisk have already confirmed their participation: Livia Rosu Lunguran * Steve Bellovin Fabio Bigi regrets Leslie Daigle Philipp Hoschka * Bridget Cosgrave * Gerry Lawrence * Brian Moore * Daniel Weitzner regrets DRAFT AGENDA, PSO-PC Teleconference, 25 August 2000 1. Administrivia Roll Call Bash the Agenda Rotating Chairs for the up-coming teleconferences Approval of the Minutes of the PSO Teleconference held 24 July 2000 2. PSO General Assembly Comments regarding the PSO GA held in Pittsburgh Follow-up Milestones Date and hosting of the next PSO GA 2001 3. Review of the ICANN Board Candidates Check candidate profiles against "what makes a good director" Any other matters 4. Review Timetable for the ICANN Board Member Election 25 August 2000 Teleconference 01 September 2000 Teleconference 15 September 2000 Teleconference 15 September 2000 Confirmation to ICANN of the PSO Council Selection 5. Agreement on a deadlock breaking mechanism 24/07/2000 e-mail from Brian Moore 6. AOB Best regards, Livia Rosu Lunguran PSO-PC Secretary =========================================================================