Please reply to **************************************** Dear PSO, I am trying to write a document on what ICANN and related SO's are and do. I am writing for layman readers who are very interested in Internet and could be interested to join the ICANN's at large membership. Due to lack of technical knowledge, I am not sure to understand what 'assignment of parameters for Internet protocols' really means. (I understand that that is PSO main business, isn't it?) Any 'easy to understand' explanation is very welcome. In particular, I would appreciate a couple of simple examples of the kind: the protocol ..... includes the parameters ....., and they are usually fixed in such and such way as ......... I have given a look at RFC 1340 : ASSIGNED NUMBERS, but I couldn't make sense of it. I really appreciate any advise on this matter. Thanks Regards mario chiari (from Parma, Italy) _______________________________________________ PSO-Discuss mailing list ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 13:37:51 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)