LAST CALLs, closed issues, and new HTTP/1.1 draft

Jim Gettys is now editing a revision of the HTTP/1.1 draft
that includes text associated with the issues that are closed.
In order to get the most effect out of the 7/30 draft,
it's important to include the resolution of as many issues
as possible.

The editing group has identified a number of additional
proposals that are ready (in our view) for closure, and
those issues are now LAST CALL:


These issues were in LAST CALL before but had substantial
comment: QZERO, STATUS100

and these issues: RANGE-ERROR, CLARIFY-NO-CACHE are closed.

The status and proposed resolution of issues are identified in

PLEASE, if you wish to discuss an issue, use a separate
message per topic, and identify the issue name in the subject
line of your message.

I'm hoping Jim will have time to edit in the 'likely'
resolution of all of the issues, perhaps identifying
the ones that we believe are still 'open', so that we
can have a single draft that contains most of the
likely changes for HTTP/1.1 as we move along standards

I think we're making great progress; I want to thank all
of you for your participation and focus.


Received on Monday, 28 July 1997 10:05:26 UTC