This is my rough sketch of what we're working on

1st session:
 30 minutes Agenda review & WG status
 60 minutes HTTP/1.1 issue list
            limited time for each issue to discuss, find
            out what the controversy is, try to resolve.
            and internet drafts linked therein
 30 minutes HTTP/1.1 issue list leftovers
	    go back to the top priority items

2nd session:

 20 minutes Content negotiation status & last calls
            review status, last call for things that are ready
 20 minutes Revising state (cookies)
            rethinking 2109
 20 minutes PEP
            review new draft
 10 minutes hit metering
 30 minutes WG future: new WGs, charter, close by summer?

Received on Saturday, 15 March 1997 00:42:36 UTC