Re: draft-holtman-http-safe-00.txt

>headers?  Are there *any* headers or procedures which can't be made to treat
>a POST with "Safe: yes" as, in effect, a GETwithBodyInsteadOfSearchpart?

This is not the real issue. Here are 4 system calls:

   char* get_message(void);
   char* get_selected_message(int argc, char* argv[]);
   char* post_message(const char* message);
   void  write_data(const char* data);

Here is typical usage:

   const char* message   = get_message();
   const char* result    = get_message(1,"John Smith");
   const char* response  = post_message("Wow. I'm tired.");
   write_data("Here is some text.");

How would you feel if I did this?

   const char* message   = get_message();
   const char* result    = post_message("John Smith");
   const char* response  = post_message("Wow. I'm tired.");
   write_data("Here is some text.");

As you can see, it's mostly semantics. One emphasises the data
retrieved, the other, the data sent.

Received on Thursday, 10 October 1996 11:38:50 UTC