Re: Section 14.36 Range, and PUTs

Roy said (about Range on PUT):

> I think you are missing something.  Range is a request header that
> applies to the entity returned as the result of the request.  I could
> understand sending Content-Range in a PUT request (which would have
> the effect of putting just a range of an entity), though I wouldn't
> suggest it for 1.1.

Yes. Maybe this (well, just the description of "Range is a request
header that applies to the entity returned as the result of the
request") just belongs in the description of the Range header.

I actually can now see a use for Range with POST:

You do a query using POST, it returns megabytes, and you want to retry
the query; the results were returned with a strong entity ID, so this
actually makes sense.

Thanks, Roy, for saying this clearly.

-  Larry

Received on Saturday, 1 June 1996 11:52:54 UTC