Re: http URL defn in HTTP/1.0

>>Should section 3.2.2 be modified to the following?
>>http_URL = "http:" "//" host [":" port] ["/" [path] ["?" query]]

>I hope not, because I'm about to propose a "version" parameter to
>allow access to back revisions of a page stored in a version
>control system like RCS or SCCS.

I hope nobody intends to make such a proposal until after the 1.1 
draft is submitted...

... in any case I think there might be somewhat more of a problem 
with versions than one might think at first glance. Having built a 
server on top of CMS a couple of years ago I don't think that there
is a comprehensive version naming strategy avaliable.

I think that it may be a more profitable approach to look at versioning 
in terms of annotations and link semantics and not in terms of URLs.
After all we may well have an MD5 URN someday [I already have a protocol
for resolving these]. There would be little opportunity to make an
MD5 URN work with versioning...

Anyway, enough said... we can return to this in May.


Received on Monday, 15 April 1996 13:38:42 UTC