Re: Charsets revisited

>I think you are focusing too narrowly.  The problem goes more deeply.
>In particular, the fundamental problem is how to specify the information
>needed to decode escaped octets representing non-ASCII character data
>which appear in a URI, such as found in an HTTP Simple Request.  For
>example, all of the following are asking for the same resource:
>  GET /%1B$BF%7CK%5C%1B(B.HTM
>  GET /%93%FA%96%7B.HTM
>  GET /e%E5g,%00.%00H%00T%00M
>  GET /+ZeVnLA-.HTM
>This problem is endemic to the specification of URIs as such and needs to
>be addressed at that level no matter to what use URIs are put.
Yes, forms, and URI's are two seperate problems. We have a solution to
forms (send them as a message body), but no answer for URI's.

Received on Thursday, 25 January 1996 07:44:56 UTC