Re: Statistics on reusing request headers in persistent connections

> I do not like the hash-based approach very much.  It seems to me that it is
> a special case of reactive negotiation.

It is.

> One of the problems I have with hash-based content selection is that it is
> that it places a high penalty (one round trip time) on the first content
> selection by the server.  That means that putting up a home page with inline
> links that serve .gifs in the normal case, but .jpgs if the browser can
> display them is less attractive.

Don't use it for embedded gifs and jpgs. In particular, if your accept
headers are short (as they are for image/gif image/jpg) the hash would
be longer than the material hashed, a bad idea.

I only proposed this as an optimization in the case where the Accept*
headers are large.

Received on Wednesday, 1 November 1995 16:09:08 UTC