Re: Expires, Last-Modified, Pragma: no-cache etc.

Balint Nagy Endre writes:
 > There is an unanswered (on this list at least) proposal by Shel Kaphan
 > to introduce event-driven document expiration.

For the record, the message I gave that title to was (if memory serves)
really about the fact that I wanted there to be a response header that
identified the resource, so that caches would have a unique cache key
for a resource.  I got what I wanted: Location can now be used for
2xx responses.  What I didn't get (unless this has changed since last
reading) was language in the spec describing the impact on caches of
this header for 2xx responses.

--Shel Kaphan

Received on Friday, 18 August 1995 15:28:00 UTC