Internet draft Gia Shervashidze Network Working Group Georgian Internet Avenue Request for Comments: XXXX November 2001 Registration of a Georgian Character Set draft-giasher-geostd8-00.txt Status of this Memo This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at Abstract This document provides information about character encoding GEOSTD8 (Georgian standard single byte encoding) which is a de-facto standard in Georgia for information interchange and presentation of WWW information resources in Georgian language. This charset is suitable for use in MIME text body parts. Introduction Though the proposed character set "geostd8" is not currently an international standard, there is very large user community (including most of Georgian ISP and governmental organizations) supporting it. Factually, "geostd8" widely used in Georgian Internet community for mail and news exchange as well as for presentation of WWW information resources in Georgian language. Originally, specification of proposed standard "geostd8" was officially adopted by the meeteng of representatives of different Georgian organizations at Autumn of 1999 presented by workgroup which was created earlier by the meeting of the same representatives. Later, this standard was adopted by Standard's Commettee of Georgia. GEOSTD8 is developed as a single byte encoding for all contemporary and old Georgian characters used in the Georgian language. It is developed for use in Microsoft Windows environments, but is also being incorporated in GNU libc. Requirements Characteristics: - The proposed charset conforms to the definition of a "charset" as defined in 2.4 of RFC 2278. - The proposed charset is suitable for use in MIME. - The proposed charset is specified in a stable, openly available specification.a Coded Character Set New Charsets: - The proposed charset is NOT new charset. It is a Georgian nstionsl standard published on May 15, 1998 by Standartization Commettee of Georgia. - This charset is suitable for use in MIME text body parts. - The proposed charset is specified in a stable, openly available specificationj Name: - proposed name for the charset is "geostd8" Functionality: - The proposed charset functions as an actual charset. - The name conforms to the ABNF definition in sec 3.3 of RFC 2978. Usage and Implementation: GEOSTD8 (Georgian standard) is a de-facto standard in Georgia and used in different operation systems and Internet user applications including encoding tables, fonts, locales for many operating systems and environments. Examples of implementation of the GEOSTD8 charset can be viewed at and at Publication: The proposed charset was published by Standartization Commettee of Georgia in May 1998. Order No.70 SSP 18.1-98 -- Information Technologies –- 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character set -- Georgian alphabet -- Part II Approved by Ministry of Justice of Georgia – No. Code-point assignments for the proposed charset can be viewed at The reference table between GEOSTD8 and Unicode is available at – GeoWIN (Gov.) MIBenum: A MIBenum value for the proposed charset will be assigned by IANA at the time of registration Unicode mapping: General notes: # Column #1 is the Geostd8 code (in hex) Column #2 is the Unicode (in hex as 0xXXXX) Column #3 is the Unicode name (follows a comment sign, '#') 0x00 0x0000 #NULL 0x01 0x0001 #START OF HEADING 0x02 0x0002 #START OF TEXT 0x03 0x0003 #END OF TEXT 0x04 0x0004 #END OF TRANSMISSION 0x05 0x0005 #ENQUIRY 0x06 0x0006 #ACKNOWLEDGE 0x07 0x0007 #BELL 0x08 0x0008 #BACKSPACE 0x09 0x0009 #HORIZONTAL TABULATION 0x0A 0x000A #LINE FEED 0x0B 0x000B #VERTICAL TABULATION 0x0C 0x000C #FORM FEED 0x0D 0x000D #CARRIAGE RETURN 0x0E 0x000E #SHIFT OUT 0x0F 0x000F #SHIFT IN 0x10 0x0010 #DATA LINK ESCAPE 0x11 0x0011 #DEVICE CONTROL ONE 0x12 0x0012 #DEVICE CONTROL TWO 0x13 0x0013 #DEVICE CONTROL THREE 0x14 0x0014 #DEVICE CONTROL FOUR 0x15 0x0015 #NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE 0x16 0x0016 #SYNCHRONOUS IDLE 0x17 0x0017 #END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK 0x18 0x0018 #CANCEL 0x19 0x0019 #END OF MEDIUM 0x1A 0x001A #SUBSTITUTE 0x1B 0x001B #ESCAPE 0x1C 0x001C #FILE SEPARATOR 0x1D 0x001D #GROUP SEPARATOR 0x1E 0x001E #RECORD SEPARATOR 0x1F 0x001F #UNIT SEPARATOR 0x20 0x0020 #SPACE 0x21 0x0021 #EXCLAMATION MARK 0x22 0x0022 #QUOTATION MARK 0x23 0x0023 #NUMBER SIGN 0x24 0x0024 #DOLLAR SIGN 0x25 0x0025 #PERCENT SIGN 0x26 0x0026 #AMPERSAND 0x27 0x0027 #APOSTROPHE 0x28 0x0028 #LEFT PARENTHESIS 0x29 0x0029 #RIGHT PARENTHESIS 0x2A 0x002A #ASTERISK 0x2B 0x002B #PLUS SIGN 0x2C 0x002C #COMMA 0x2D 0x002D #HYPHEN-MINUS 0x2E 0x002E #FULL STOP 0x2F 0x002F #SOLIDUS 0x30 0x0030 #DIGIT ZERO 0x31 0x0031 #DIGIT ONE 0x32 0x0032 #DIGIT TWO 0x33 0x0033 #DIGIT THREE 0x34 0x0034 #DIGIT FOUR 0x35 0x0035 #DIGIT FIVE 0x36 0x0036 #DIGIT SIX 0x37 0x0037 #DIGIT SEVEN 0x38 0x0038 #DIGIT EIGHT 0x39 0x0039 #DIGIT NINE 0x3A 0x003A #COLON 0x3B 0x003B #SEMICOLON 0x3C 0x003C #LESS-THAN SIGN 0x3D 0x003D #EQUALS SIGN 0x3E 0x003E #GREATER-THAN SIGN 0x3F 0x003F #QUESTION MARK 0x40 0x0040 #COMMERCIAL AT 0x41 0x0041 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A 0x42 0x0042 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B 0x43 0x0043 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C 0x44 0x0044 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D 0x45 0x0045 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E 0x46 0x0046 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F 0x47 0x0047 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G 0x48 0x0048 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H 0x49 0x0049 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I 0x4A 0x004A #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J 0x4B 0x004B #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K 0x4C 0x004C #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L 0x4D 0x004D #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M 0x4E 0x004E #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N 0x4F 0x004F #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O 0x50 0x0050 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P 0x51 0x0051 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q 0x52 0x0052 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R 0x53 0x0053 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S 0x54 0x0054 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T 0x55 0x0055 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U 0x56 0x0056 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V 0x57 0x0057 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W 0x58 0x0058 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X 0x59 0x0059 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y 0x5A 0x005A #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z 0x5B 0x005B #LEFT SQUARE BRACKET 0x5C 0x005C #REVERSE SOLIDUS 0x5D 0x005D #RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET 0x5E 0x005E #CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT 0x5F 0x005F #LOW LINE 0x60 0x0060 #GRAVE ACCENT 0x61 0x0061 #LATIN SMALL LETTER A 0x62 0x0062 #LATIN SMALL LETTER B 0x63 0x0063 #LATIN SMALL LETTER C 0x64 0x0064 #LATIN SMALL LETTER D 0x65 0x0065 #LATIN SMALL LETTER E 0x66 0x0066 #LATIN SMALL LETTER F 0x67 0x0067 #LATIN SMALL LETTER G 0x68 0x0068 #LATIN SMALL LETTER H 0x69 0x0069 #LATIN SMALL LETTER I 0x6A 0x006A #LATIN SMALL LETTER J 0x6B 0x006B #LATIN SMALL LETTER K 0x6C 0x006C #LATIN SMALL LETTER L 0x6D 0x006D #LATIN SMALL LETTER M 0x6E 0x006E #LATIN SMALL LETTER N 0x6F 0x006F #LATIN SMALL LETTER O 0x70 0x0070 #LATIN SMALL LETTER P 0x71 0x0071 #LATIN SMALL LETTER Q 0x72 0x0072 #LATIN SMALL LETTER R 0x73 0x0073 #LATIN SMALL LETTER S 0x74 0x0074 #LATIN SMALL LETTER T 0x75 0x0075 #LATIN SMALL LETTER U 0x76 0x0076 #LATIN SMALL LETTER V 0x77 0x0077 #LATIN SMALL LETTER W 0x78 0x0078 #LATIN SMALL LETTER X 0x79 0x0079 #LATIN SMALL LETTER Y 0x7A 0x007A #LATIN SMALL LETTER Z 0x7B 0x007B #LEFT CURLY BRACKET 0x7C 0x007C #VERTICAL LINE 0x7D 0x007D #RIGHT CURLY BRACKET 0x7E 0x007E #TILDE 0x7F 0x007F #DELETE 0x80 0x20AC #EURO SIGN 0x81 #UNDEFINED 0x82 0x201A #SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK 0x83 #UNDEFINED 0x84 0x201E #DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK 0x85 0x2026 #HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS 0x86 0x2020 #DAGGER 0x87 0x2021 #DOUBLE DAGGER 0x88 #UNDEFINED 0x89 0x2030 #PER MILLE SIGN 0x8A #UNDEFINED 0x8B 0x2039 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x8C #UNDEFINED 0x8D #UNDEFINED 0x8E #UNDEFINED 0x8F #UNDEFINED 0x90 #UNDEFINED 0x91 0x2018 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x92 0x2019 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x93 0x201C #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK 0x94 0x201D #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK 0x95 0x2022 #BULLET 0x96 0x2013 #EN DASH 0x97 0x2014 #EM DASH 0x98 #UNDEFINED 0x99 #UNDEFINED 0x9A #UNDEFINED 0x9B 0x203A #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x8C #UNDEFINED 0x9D #UNDEFINED 0x9E #UNDEFINED 0x9F #UNDEFINED 0xA0 0x00A0 #NO-BREAK SPACE 0xA1 0x00A1 #INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK 0xA2 0x00A2 #CENT SIGN 0xA3 0x00A3 #POUND SIGN 0xA4 0x00A4 #CURRENCY SIGN 0xA5 0x00A5 #YEN SIGN 0xA6 0x00A6 #BROKEN BAR 0xA7 0x00A7 #SECTION SIGN 0xA8 0x00A8 #DIAERESIS 0xA9 0x00A9 #COPYRIGHT SIGN 0xAA 0x00AA #FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR 0xAB 0x00AB #LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0xAC 0x00AC #NOT SIGN 0xAD 0x00AD #SOFT HYPHEN 0xAE 0x00AE #REGISTERED SIGN 0xAF 0x00AF #MACRON 0xB0 0x00B0 #DEGREE SIGN 0xB1 0x00B1 #PLUS-MINUS SIGN 0xB2 0x00B2 #SUPERSCRIPT TWO 0xB3 0x00B3 #SUPERSCRIPT THREE 0xB4 0x00B4 #ACUTE ACCENT 0xB5 0x00B5 #MICRO SIGN 0xB6 0x00B6 #PILCROW SIGN 0xB7 0x00B7 #MIDDLE DOT 0xB8 0x00B8 #CEDILLA 0xB9 0x00B9 #SUPERSCRIPT ONE 0xBA 0x00BA #MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR 0xBB 0x00BB #RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0xBC 0x00BC #VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER 0xBD 0x00BD #VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF 0xBE 0x00BE #VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS 0xBF 0x00BF #INVERTED QUESTION MARK 0xC0 0x10D0 #GEORGIAN LETTER AN 0xC1 0x10D1 #GEORGIAN LETTER BAN 0xC2 0x10D2 #GEORGIAN LETTER GAN 0xC3 0x10D3 #GEORGIAN LETTER DON 0xC4 0x10D4 #GEORGIAN LETTER EN 0xC5 0x10D5 #GEORGIAN LETTER VIN 0xC6 0x10D6 #GEORGIAN LETTER ZEN 0xC7 0x10F1 #GEORGIAN LETTER HE 0xC8 0x10D7 #GEORGIAN LETTER TAN 0xC9 0x10D8 #GEORGIAN LETTER IN 0xCA 0x10D9 #GEORGIAN LETTER KAN 0xCB 0x10DA #GEORGIAN LETTER LAS 0xCC 0x10DB #GEORGIAN LETTER MAN 0xCD 0x10DC #GEORGIAN LETTER NAR 0xCE 0x10F2 #GEORGIAN LETTER HIE 0xCF 0x10DD #GEORGIAN LETTER ON 0xD0 0x10DE #GEORGIAN LETTER PAR 0xD1 0x10DF #GEORGIAN LETTER ZHAR 0xD2 0x10E0 #GEORGIAN LETTER RAE 0xD3 0x10E1 #GEORGIAN LETTER SAN 0xD4 0x10E2 #GEORGIAN LETTER TAR 0xD5 0x10F3 #GEORGIAN LETTER WE 0xD6 0x10E3 #GEORGIAN LETTER UN 0xD7 0x10E4 #GEORGIAN LETTER PHAR 0xD8 0x10E5 #GEORGIAN LETTER KHAR 0xD9 0x10E6 #GEORGIAN LETTER GHAN 0xDA 0x10E7 #GEORGIAN LETTER QAR 0xDB 0x10E8 #GEORGIAN LETTER SHIN 0xDC 0x10E9 #GEORGIAN LETTER CHIN 0xDD 0x10EA #GEORGIAN LETTER CAN 0xDE 0x10EB #GEORGIAN LETTER JIL 0xDF 0x10EC #GEORGIAN LETTER CIL 0xE0 0x10ED #GEORGIAN LETTER CHAR 0xE1 0x10EE #GEORGIAN LETTER XAN 0xE2 0x10F4 #GEORGIAN LETTER HAR 0xE3 0x10EF #GEORGIAN LETTER JHAN 0xE4 0x10F0 #GEORGIAN LETTER HAE 0xE5 0x10F5 #GEORGIAN LETTER HOE 0xE6 #UNDEFINED 0xE7 #UNDEFINED 0xE8 #UNDEFINED 0xE9 #UNDEFINED 0xEA #UNDEFINED 0xEB #UNDEFINED 0xEC #UNDEFINED 0xED #UNDEFINED 0xEE #UNDEFINED 0xEF #UNDEFINED 0xF0 #UNDEFINED 0xF1 #UNDEFINED 0xF2 #UNDEFINED 0xF3 #UNDEFINED 0xF4 #UNDEFINED 0xF5 #UNDEFINED 0xF6 #UNDEFINED 0xF7 #UNDEFINED 0xF8 #UNDEFINED 0xF9 #UNDEFINED 0xFA #UNDEFINED 0xFB #UNDEFINED 0xFC #UNDEFINED 0xFD 0x2116 #NUMERO SIGN 0xFE #UNDEFINED 0xFF #UNDEFINED Security Considerations Security issues are not discussed in this memo. References [1] Authors' Address Gia Shervashidze Georgian Internet Avenu Tbilisi Georgia Fax: +995 32 958313 Phone: +995 32 959825 EMail: WWW: