- User Comments:
Date: 27 September 1998
Summary: A lot of hype.
Okay, so they reunited MOST of the original cast. So what? The result is
still a second rate sequel with poor animation, and worse music. I
especially loathe the ridiculous lines fed to Robin Williams as Genie. His
character was completely overdone from a plethora of excessive costumes to
interjections that really didn't belong. Just don't expect to see the magic
from Williams' original performance. Let's focus on the positive: The story
itself does have intrigue. Aladdin decides to search for his missing(?)
father and finds him as the leader of a band of theives. He hopes to change
him from his treacherous ways, and well... Watch it to find out. Jasmin's
singing voice is the very talented Broadway veteran Liz Calloway (back from
"Jafar" and most recently heard singing as "Anastasia"). As a whole I must
say that "King of Thieves" is an improvement from "Jafar" and we can't be
too critical toward a video aimed to please children in the 4-9
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