Akwesasne Longhouse
Traditional Longhouse at Akwesasne New York

Book about Mary Kendall's LifeFamily Data Sheet  


About the Site

This site isn't very long, and is my very first try at creating a web site. I hope to help it grow as the family tree grows over the coming years. The buttons on this site will lead you throughout all the pages. The Home button will lead you back to this page. The previous button will take you back one page, and the next button will take you forward one page. The two buttons above will lead to a form that can be filled in by you the reader of these pages. It is included in the event anyone who reads these pages finds an error in the information, then they can fill in this form and it will be sent back to myself. Or to have new information added or existing information fixed. The other button will lead you to a very long page. This is the booklet that really got me started working on the family tree. I found it rather interesting reading and I hope you do as well.

The information contained herein was gathered from living family members, and from numerous letters written to the different Indian Reservations along with phone calls, They are:

Kanesatake (Oka) Quebec
Kahnawake Quebec
Wahta (Gibsons) Ontario
Akwesasne Ontario
Saint Regis New York

Not to mention all the different Missions, Rectories and Church Archives. Most of the information about our family would not be in this booklet if it wasn't for the help of various people like: Kathleen David, Steven Bonspille, Carol T. Herne, Ian Mason and Elaine Cook, just to mention a few. These people work for the various agencies mentioned above and where most helpful in my writing to them over the years regarding our family tree and the work that has gone into it.

The Family Tree is all computerized and backed up using a program called; "Parsons Family Origins V4.0." There are numerous printouts available within this program, but I thought the booklet was the easiest to read. The printing of the fammily tree is done in a program called "Corel WordPerfect Suite 8".

Each time I do receive new information it is entered into Family Origins then edited with Corel WordPerfect Suite 8. It can take somewhere up to two - three days to generate a print-out of the family tree. This is only because there is a lot of stuff put into the documents generated by Family Origins that is not needed, so I felt.

I have tried to setup the Family Tree as to the Clan that each Family member is from.

Each chapter is started with the oldest person known. I've tried to setup the family tree following the female line, according to Iroquois Tradition.

I do hope to make this an ongoing hobby of mine, I also hope that if any of the family members who should receive a copy of this family tree see an error or omission they will contact me with all the pertinent information using the enclosed Family Data Sheet, then I can make any changes that are needed.

The booklet entitled; "The Life of Mrs. Mary Kanonsokta Oke Martin Kendall," which was originally published by: A.V. Nolan of "The Stouffville Tribune," tells about the life of Mary Oke Martin Kendall, where she was born, died and lived. It also tells about her trips abroad and around the country with her second husband.

This is the booklet that started me working on the Family Tree back in 1989/1990. I would like to say that I felt a need to work on the Family Tree not only for myself but for the whole Family.

A: niáwen ki' wáhi
(Thanks a lot)
David Gauld

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David A. Gauld