Helped NRL-SSC (Richard Owens) with questions re TEDS grid registration.
Coding of kernel routines and APIs for the Remotely Sensed Database. Coding of Selects and Inserts is in progress.
Development and coding of test drivers for the Remotely Sensed segments.
Delivered Patch C for METCAST Client This patch provides some enhancements and fixes to minor bugs discovered since the previous patch release. Changes include: allowing simultaneous request of products with different grid spacings and, therefore, different bounding boxes, automatic hard-drive caching of data when the download size of a request exceeds 2MB, and use of cross-platform, cross-browser HTML-based help.
Upgraded the System Control and Monitoring (SCM) software to allow starting and stopping of OMNICOM, various GUI improvements, improved logging and security monitoring, and support for additional platforms.
Planning for AWN-C software development, database programming, and schedules
Coordinating support required by TAMS/RT for Metcast, TEDS, and JMV.
Preparing a patch release for next week.
Switch Omnicast feed of X.25 AWN feed to FTP AWN feed on 22 Sept 1999.
Distribute JMV, METCAST Client, and Omniserver to NLMOC and SPAWAR by 21 Sept 1999.
Working on a Programmer's Guide for accessing data via METCAST.
Delivered JMV Patch C. This patch incorporates several minor bug fixes and GUI enhancements.
Working on display of 3D data.
Working on removing duplicate lines when using high resolution coastline
Continue identifying and correcting minor problem areas
All Y2K certifications for TEDS, JMV, and METCAST have been completed.