Re: SD3 - Data Types

At 09:14 PM 05/15/97 -0700, Jean Paoli wrote:

>Proposal: (With special thanks to Tim Bray's paper 
>""). Define a standard
>XML-TYPE, based on SQL data types. Valid values are CHAR, VARCHAR,
>FLOAT, DECIMAL, DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP. Numbers and dates, times, etc.

By analogy to SGML attribute declared value types and content models, and
for overall flexibility, it seems like adding these would also imply that we
should add the corresponding plural (vector) types (actually, is VARCHAR
close enough to CHARS that we already have precedent in the set?)

Steven J. DeRose, Ph.D., Chief Scientist
Inso Electronic Publishing Solutions
   (formerly EBT)

Received on Friday, 16 May 1997 15:11:38 UTC