Re: Parameter entities vs. GI name groups

Eve L. Maler wrote:
> The ERB, in its meeting yesterday, discussed the issue of parameter
> entities in XML.  We are *strongly* leaning towards voting to remove
> parameter entities entirely *from V1.0* as long as GI name groups are
> reinstated in ELEMENT and ATTLIST declarations:
> <!ELEMENT (a|b|c) ...>
> <!ATTLIST (x|y|z) ...>

Yes.  Minimum pain, maximum gain.  It is the easiest 
way to modularize.  It is how we built several DTDs and 
they worked without pain.  They require one to accept 
switching elements in some cases, but the price is 
minimum particularly if brevity isn't a requirement.

Good.  I suspect parameter entities will be reintroduced 
at a later date, but given the resistance to DTDs in WebLand, 
let them discover why.

len bullard

Received on Thursday, 19 June 1997 22:06:36 UTC