Re: webMethods' XML Schema for XSLT 1.0

Asir S Vedamuthu wrote:
> webMethods is pleased to announce the availability of an experimental
> version of XML Schema for XSLT 1.0 More information on XSLT can be found at

Impressive work!

I have a question about one of the ways you are suggesting to
pre-validate the target documents, though.

<quote source="comments from the schema">
There are three ways that you can construct a schema for XSLT
stylesheets that create instances of a particular result structure
(a) Declare all your result elements as a member of xsl:result-element
substitution group

The substitution group is defined as:

  <element name="result-element" abstract="true"/>

and used in a group:

  <group name="result-element">
      <element ref="xsl:result-element"/>
      <any namespace="##other" processContents="skip"/>

that is referenced when needed.

I have probably missed something, but won't the choice become ambiguous
if I include elements from any namespace other than the target namespace
(i.e. XSLT 1.0) that would also match "any" element ?


See you in San Jose for SD West:
Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea           

Received on Friday, 30 March 2001 03:20:21 UTC