Re: xml:space, xml:lang, and namespaces

Tim writes:
> At 05:09 PM 5/31/99 +0100, Richard Tobin wrote:
> >The Namespaces recommendation defines the "xml" prefix as being bound
> >to  This suggests that it should
> >be possible to refer to the attributes xml:space and xml:lang by means
> >of other prefixes bound to that URL.  
> The inferred suggestion is reasonable but wrong.  In XML 1.0, published 
> in Feb. 1998, it is clear that the reserved attributes are xm:lang and 
> xml:space.  Until XML 1.0 is rewritten and integrated with the namespace 
> spec, xml:lang and xml:space are the only correct attributes to use for 
> this purpose. -Tim

Do you see how that makes life difficult for XML Schema (it's from me
with my Schema hat on that this question really comes from)?

How do I put an attribute declaration for xml:space or xml:lang in my
schema?  The only principled way for doing so will of necessity allow
e.g. foo:space to occur in schema-valid documents, provided foo has
the right namespace declaration . . .

I guess we could just grandfather in xml:lang and xml:schema as valid
names for attributes, i.e. explicit exceptions to the prose which
currently requires them to be NCNames. . .


Received on Monday, 31 May 1999 13:00:57 UTC