Re: XML Schemas: Needs Marketing?

You have touched on an issue that I am deeply concerned about.
Not only do we need to understand the realities of the market
window and diversity, we need to start understanding the
potential impact of Schemas on the marketplace.

I share Henry and Andrew's concern about having WG members devote 
too much attention on these issues prior to having an approved work 
product. However, I do believe there is a need to begin to
do some market preparation.

I would welcome your suggestions and ideas.

Dave Hollander

PS. Regarding "heavy" schemas: I do not see why someone could not
use a sub-set of XML Schemas to achieve a easy to learn and use
schema language. If anyone has ideas on this application profile,
let me know.

Dave Hollander
Director eCommerce Knowledge Management and Interoperability
Co-chair W3C XML Schema Working Group 

Received on Thursday, 10 February 2000 15:58:58 UTC