Re: HTML and PHP

> When I added it to one of my web pages it didn’t run.

Have you checked on PHP support on your server?

> But the Nu Html Checker (v.Nu) Saw `<?`. Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.)

Dto.; if you validate PHP code (whether copying the code, uploading a local file, or pointing to a URL) that hasn’t been processed, you’re likely to get errors like this.
> Why does it work one place but not another?

From the looks of it, in one place PHP is enabled, and in the other, it’s not.

If you can specify what “it” and “place” refer to, it’s easier to help, though if the problem boils down to PHP, this isn’t the right forum to ask.



Jens Oliver Meiert ·

Received on Saturday, 17 February 2024 11:01:29 UTC