Nu Html Checker and CSS HTML Validator


To add to my previous email, an offline checker would also be useful when is returning 'Bad Gateway' errors making it impossible or
difficult to use (see below).






In an joint effort to help people create better websites, would you be able
to add a small link at the bottom of to our HTML and
CSS checker that works offline?


Instead of:

<p><a href="about.html">About this checker</a> . <a
href="about.html#issues">Report an issue</a> . <span
class="version">Version: 22.3.8</span></p>


Something like this:

<p><a href="about.html">About this checker</a> . <a
href="about.html#issues">Report an issue</a> . <span
class="version">Version: 22.3.8</span> . <a title="Downloadable 3rd party
offline checker for Windows, Linux, Mac"
href="">Offline checker</a></p>



Albert Wiersch

CSS HTML Validator <>


Received on Monday, 26 June 2023 17:28:58 UTC