Something you may be interested in

I note that early this morning you changed the HTML5 validator to issue
warnings for "self-closing" tags.

Several years ago you switched your valitator and I was extremely upset.
Today I am prepared. I no longer use HTML 4.01. All my 400 pages are
validated HTML 5 per you validator.

But I faced an issue: All my pages I converted (by a massive script of
regular expressions) from Wiki, and Wiki uses self-closing tags all over
the place.  <br />  not <br> but it has a Doctype which says HTML5.

Well, I have a global replace script so I changed this mess in a couple
minutes and now all my pages once again validate with your updated

I was using Wiki because my work was on an educational research website but
now I have gone cold turkey and am off that drug.


I have seen things a lot worse than Wiki in computer software but Wiki was
chronically frustrating to use to create web pages (I don't like
wyshwig sh*t -- I started programming on IBM S/360 assembler language and
punch cards.)

Anyway, today I had no problem with your change because I have done a lot
of adapting and preparing over the years since a threw tantrum over your
earlier validator change.

Thank you and best wishes from a former programmer who got PTSD from stuff
like Angular and Django.... I am always available for thoughts about user
interfaces but not coding them.

Bradford McCormick, Ed.D.


"When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But
when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak, for we
were not meant to survive." (Audre Lorde, via Marco Romano)

Bradford McCormick, Ed.D. /
<> ~

Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2022 08:02:25 UTC