Frustrating: Website does not validate on 1 non existing error

Hello there!

I’m overly frustrated…


I’ve been working like crazy to get my website free of errors and have
succeeded… Mostly that is. The validator gives me ONE error. I know, I know.
Next to nothing. But I want 100% validation. Not a next to nothing
validation. J


This is the website:


This is the validation error it gives me:

Error: No p element in scope but a p end tag seen.

>From line 258, column 38; to line 258, column 41



This is the code that is not being validated:

<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 column zerif_about_us_center text_and_skills"
data-scrollreveal="enter bottom after 0s over 1s">




<p>Cette école fait partie du réseau des Maisons Familiales Rurales qui
compte 430 établissements en France, dont 74 en région Auvergne Rhône


<p>Tout comme celles-ci, la Maison familiale de St Léopardin  est une
association loi 1901, gérée par un Conseil d’Administration constitué de
parents d’élèves, de professionnels et de maîtres de stage.</p>


<a href="/apropos/">Lire la Suite</a>






Am I starting to lose it, or is this a non-error, pretty straight coding?


I know you’ve got tons of stuff to do, but I would really, highly appreciate
a response. I’m losing sleep over this. ;)



Received on Thursday, 29 September 2016 13:46:48 UTC