Re: Problem with feed validation when using SSL SNI

Kathy Goss <kgoss <at>> writes:

> Hello,
> One of my domains is not able to create a Mailchimp RSS campaign. I 
get the message that the URL is not a valid RSS feed. Although you can 
access the URL without errors,  the WC3 RSS Validation Service that 
Mailchimp uses gets the following error:
> Server returned [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14077438:SSL 
routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error
> During a chat with my hosting provider this morning I was told that 
since it is an SSL related issue to check at Cloudflare. 
> Cloudflare's response was:  "The Validator service not supporting SNI 
is a known issue; unfortunately there is little we can do about this; 
the validator service needs to be updated to sup{ܝ\ˈHXZ[\ΰ[\\[X[˘B[H[[\]H[\\XH\ܝӒH[Y[܈]X\\\HH^H^YH\\܈[[\[Y][ۋH]H[Yو]\[H[YHXZ[[\[Yܘ][ۈ[\و\\XH\]\XܚX\\]][[\ZYۜ]\\YH\[\X[]KX\HY\K]H\[\[X[[00N[]\XK]HHY\وH[[H\HX[ˈKH[H^\Y[[H[YH؛[H\\ܚXHH]H[ˈYH[XHXHӒHۈ^H]\

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2015 07:00:27 UTC