Re: "Software error" when validating an XHTML fragment

Cherry <>, 2015-07-27 17:32 +0200:
> Archived-At: <>
> I get the following error when trying to validate an XHTML fragment (whose
> source I am not allowed to copy in here):
>  Software error:
> HTML::Template->new() : found <//TMPL_IF> with no matching <TMPL_IF> at
> /usr/local/validator/share/templates/en_US/ucn_output.tmpl : line 152. at
> /usr/share/perl5/HTML/ line 2389.

That was a transient error which happened for a short time due some changes
I was in the middle of making a few days ago. I fixed it very shortly
afterward, so you shouldn’t be seeing it any longer. But if you are still
seeing it, please let me know.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Wednesday, 29 July 2015 23:39:43 UTC