Fwd: W3C Validation Icons

Hi Olivier / all at W3C.org,

> On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 at 08:31 AM, olivier Thereaux wrote:
> (...)
>> http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/logo-usage-20000308.html
> Indeed, that is the current policy, thanks Cindy for digging it up. :)
> We hope to relax this policy, by providing tools for people to create
> icons at the size and with colors they like. In the meantime however,
> for legal reasons my answer to "can I make my own logos?" remains
> "sure, so long as you don't use the w3c logo in there".
> (...)

I didn't know this and made 2 sets of validation buttons (HTML and
CSS) using the W3C logo, because the original buttons are too
conspicuous to use in the site.
I did use the original colours, though, and made both a gold version
and a blue one, only changing the size to make it sleeker (they're 60
x 16 px).

Is this _still_ the case?
Should I remove the W3C logo from my buttons?


P.S.- I am more than willing to donate my buttons to you, free. The
validator service itself is payment enough!

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2015 10:07:48 UTC