Re: Unsought-for redirection to NU validator (was: Fwd: Request for forward)

Jens Oliver Meiert <>, 2015-08-22 10:32 +0200:
> Archived-At: <>
> Forwarding on behalf of Philip (cc’ed). Does anyone know why his
> emails would be rejected? Is there some list filter applied to his
> email or such?

Not as far as I can see.

Philip, your address is still subscribed to the www-validator list and has
been for several years without any changes, as far as I can tell from the
admin logs for the list. So as far as that goes, you rightly should be able
to post to the list without any problems.

The admin logs for the list don’t show any record of a recent message from
that address having ever been sent to the list on the 18th—though I do see
a message you sent on the 20th, from a different address, which is awaiting
your approval to archive a copy of the message in the W3C mail archive
before it can actually be sent to the list.

Are you able to send messages successfully to any other W3C lists right
now? Or can you please try sending a message today to the www-archive list
so that we can see what happens? (And so that I can check the admin logs
for that list after you’ve sent the message.)

If we can’t manage to troubleshoot it ourselves, then I can ask somebody
from the W3C systems team to step in and take a look. (They have access to
raw logs for the W3C MTA that I don’t have access to myself).


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Saturday, 22 August 2015 09:01:30 UTC