Re: HTML 5 conformance: table border obsolete?

On 06-02-14 15:12, Shane McCarron wrote:
> I know it can be challenging to use CSS instead of embedding
> presentational attributes in HTML, but this feels like a simple global
> change to your spec that would be more consistent with w3c best
> practices.  I would be happy to help with the edits so this 'bug'
> doesn't get in the way of your publishing.  Let me know.

I know how to move it to CSS, that's not the issue. The point is: this 
bug in the validator creates a problem for us at a critical point in 
time. I simply want it repaired.


> On Feb 6, 2014 7:35 AM, "Guus Schreiber" <
> <>> wrote:
>     On 06-02-14 13:53, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
>         2014-02-06 12:09, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:
>           > Leif Halvard Silli <xn--mlform-iua@må
>         <>>, 2014-02-06 03:10 +0100:
>         [...]
>                 Mike, you are not answering the question.
>             You're right, sorry.
>         Mike, you are still not answering the question.
>             As I understand it, you're probably suggesting I should try
>             to answer the
>             question of why, in the particular document that the OP
>             cited, using
>             legacy
>             table@border=1 markup for presentational purposes is a
>             better choice
>         Whatever Leif may have suggested (and I don’t think he suggested
>         that),
>         the original question was:
>         “Is this a validator bug?”
>                 The answer is that @border is conforming in HTML5 and
>                 that the validator
>                 has a bug if it does not allow it. There was a change
>                 proposal
>                 process to
>                 have @border added back into the spec, and the CP prevailed.
>             OK, understood. As far as that goes, could you please take a
>             minute to
>             file
>             a bug report?
>         I don’t get it. It seems that the validators
> and
> were recently changed to report the
>         border
>         attribute as an error, against the draft specifications and
>         against what
> does. Instead of fixing this bug, you’re
>         suggesting opening a bug report and, as per your later comment, to
>         continue the discussion there.
>         What is there to be discussed? Either you fix the bug, or you
>         don’t. I
>         don’t think there is anything to be discussed, as the draft
>         specifications are so clear. What the specifications should say is a
>         different issue
>         And I suppose the original poster deserves a simple answer to
>         the simple
>         question (and to the natural followup question “when will it be
>         fixed?”).
>     I woud be very grateful if it could be fixed soon. We are going to
>     REC with 8 docuemtns from different editors, where many use this
>     feature. The Webmaster will complan if the this "bug" pops up.
>     Thanks for the quick responses,
>     Guus
>     PS I personally don't like the border thing either, but as chair I
>     have a different role.
>         Yucca

Received on Thursday, 6 February 2014 14:39:00 UTC