WHATWG MetaExtension

Dear Sir or Madame,

concerning the Markup Validation Service I would like to inform you that 
it does not recognize the DublinCore MetaExtensions for HTML5 despite 
the fact that they are listed on the WHATWG wiki as allowed extension 
values for the name="" attribute of the <meta> element in HTML5. WhatWG 
suggests to write you so you can pull the "new" name value.

I would appreciate a brief feedback when the metaextensions will be 
recognized by the W3C Markup Validation Service as I am migrating from 
XHTML 1.0 to HTML5 for our website (http://www.rosebrossut.fr/) and use 
your service to verify my changes.

Sincerly Yours,
Holger Burhardt

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Received on Monday, 14 April 2014 13:01:12 UTC