Re: How To Validate a HTML file using W3c API

Hi David,

Thanks for ur response . Actually i am pretty much new to this so no idea
about how to post my html file as multipart/form-data .

I have gone through the API's document and could not found much info about
how to post it .
Can u give me the complete steps how to uploaded_file can be used to get
output=soap 1.2 xml file.

Also is there any way i can copy the source in a string builder and pass it
and get the response as the same xml file as in output= "soap1.2".

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Jaime Iniesta <>wrote:

> A way to validate your local server is making it temporarily public with a
> service like localtunnel:
> 2012/8/22 David Dorward <>
>> On 22 Aug 2012, at 10:53, Harshit Oberoi <>
>> wrote:
>> simmilarly to update file an uploaded_file parameter is there , but
>> implementing this in above url :
>> In general, giving any web application the path of a file on your hard
>> disk isn't going to do much good. Your hard disk almost certainly isn't
>> readable from the WWW, and thanks to NAT and other systems which mask the
>> originating IP the server has little chance of being able to reach your
>> machine (and then it would have to guess the protocol).
>> See the documentation:
>>  uploaded_file The document to validate, POSTed as multipart/form-data
>> You have to use a POST request and include the file itself in the request.
>>  --
>> David Dorward
> --
> Jaime Iniesta, freelance web developer

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2012 09:11:31 UTC