Re: [VE][74] Strange unordered list error SOLVED

2012-08-11 6:28, wrote:

> Validating
> Error [74]: "start tag for <li> omitted, but its declaration does not
> permit this"
> I did not understand why the validator is reporting that The <li> tag is
> omitted when it is not.
> I also did not understand what character data I should not be including
> within the <li></li> tags.
> I had copied the text from a Microsoft document and the \x0d \x0a line
> endings were upsetting the validator although the page looked OK on screen.

It's good that you were able to fix the markup, but carriage return and 
linefeed were hardly the real problem.

The error message quoted normally results when an <ol> or <ul> element 
starts with any non-whitespace content but a <li> element.


Received on Sunday, 12 August 2012 16:27:31 UTC