Re: Validations Show different Results when done through Javascript and when done by Direct Input on W3C website

On 07/21/2011 04:56 PM, wrote:

>     var encodedContent = getRadWindow().ClientParameters;

Does this get the document content in application/x-www-url-encoded
(UTF-8) form?  If not:

>     var params = "fragment=" + encodedContent ;'ll probably want to do something like this here instead:

     var params = "fragment=" + encodeURIComponent(encodedContent); well as in any case, before sending the request, set the
appropriate Content-Type header:


> The resulting screen shows 2 Errors and 2 Warnings (highlighted in Red):
> [cid:image002.jpg@01CC47DC.07E66A60]
> But when the same content is validated on the W3C website as Direct Input,  1 Error and 4 Warnings are shown (highlighted in brown):
> [cid:image006.jpg@01CC47DC.07E66A60]

These images lack information about _what_ the errors and warnings you
receive are, so they're not that useful.

If the above tips don't help, I suggest using a network analyzer like
wireshark to compare the JavaScript and direct input POST request

Received on Saturday, 23 July 2011 15:39:14 UTC