Re: inconsistent XHTML validation

Hi Beth,

On 23-Sep-08, at 1:15 AM, Beth Mabee wrote:
> I used the validator to check my first project after I had uploaded  
> it to the server at school:
> It validated perfectly.
> Following my teacher's instructions, for my second assignment I  
> modified the source file (but NOT the first three lines or the  
> <html> tag), and tried to validate with the file upload service
> 	•  Line 1, Column 0: end of document in prolog.

This is the validator's way of saying "I received an empty document".  
I just tried the validator's file upload feature with success, and am  
suspecting there may be something between your browser and the  
validator's server stripping the content of the upload.

* have you tried uploading with a different browser?
* Do you have any "security" software running on your computer that  
may be breaking the file upload? Can you turn it off and try?
* Did anyone else on the same network have the same issue?

Hope this helps,

Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2008 11:56:49 UTC