Re: More transparency concerning "Missing xmlns attribute for element html" or [VE][no-xmlns]

Ian Stuart wrote:

> For (2), I just always have
>          <html xmlns="">
> as "the magic incantation" as the html element

The attribute is required by XHTML specifications, so it would be absurd to 
use XHTML without using that attribute.

> (likewise, I *remove* the
>          xml:lang="en" lang="en"
> attribute from the same element, as they throw IE6 into "quirks mode"

Huh? Pardon? Can you prove it? I have never heard of anything like that, and 
it would be most weird. Quirks mode is weird in itself, but triggering it is 
based on doctype declaration issues.

(The xml:lang and lang attributes are not required by the formal syntax, but 
they are required by W3C WAI recommendations.)


Received on Saturday, 16 August 2008 09:23:09 UTC