Re: "Unknown Parse Mode!" when validating with DOCTYPE chosen to force STRICT mode in Mozilla

On Jul 12, 2006, at 18:04, Philip TAYLOR wrote:

> Following the advice/guidance from L David Baron at :

That document does not give advice on how to trigger the Standards  
Mode. The document tells what Mozilla does.

> my recent Dreamweaver templates have all used the following DOCTYPE :
> 	<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "">
> which is intended to force Mozilla into "Full Standards" mode,

That is not the best practice for triggering the Standards Mode.

The best practice is documented here:

(I will revise my advice to include the HTML5 doctype when HTML5  
advances enough to be appropriate for widespread deployment.)

> since we wish to avoid accidentally exploiting any of Mozilla's
> "Almost Standards" behaviours.

It appears that you want to DTD-validate as Transitional but you also  
want to specifically avoid activating the Almost Standards Mode. Why  
do you want to be Transitional?

You do realize that it is pretty hard to accidentally rely on the  
difference between the Standards Mode and the Almost Standards Mode  
unless your layouts involve placing sliced images in layout tables?

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 13 July 2006 12:27:15 UTC