Re: checklink and javascript generated links

Hello Chuck,

On 20 Jun 2005, at 10:20, Charles W. Carey wrote:
> The link checker at <> could be an  
> even
> more valuable service if you offered the option of turning off the  
> flagging
> every use of javascript in links as an error. I make very heavy use of
> javascript to generate addresses. I'm sure most web sites of any  
> complexity
> do likewise. Browsers which don't allow javascript are so lame and  
> outdated
> they are seldom used any more.

I am afraid that search engine crawlers, a lot of corporate-setup  
browsers and browsers embedded in mobile phones disagree with you on  
the last part. As far as I can tell, there are clean ways to generate  
links with scripting without breaking them for non-javascript enabled...

Regardless, could you give us a bit more context and/or examples (the  
address of your site, for instance) for us to see the extent of your  


Received on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 01:12:42 UTC