javascript syndication

Hello list,

This is my first post.
Happy new year!

I'm newbie here. i apologize if this message not belongs to this list.

I'm reading the documentation available online on validation and I've  
made some searches in the archives for a particular question that I  
have, but unfortunately I haven't had found my answers. Mi question is  
so basic that I'm blushing already...

I have a forum in PHP and I'm generating RSS feeds and JavaScript code  
to syndicate the contents. So, I have a JavaScript code to deploy and i  
want that code interoperable if it's possible...  Anyway, here is my  

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"  

How can i deploy and validate this?

thanks in advance.
sorry if you need to redirect me to another list more appropriated.


Received on Thursday, 15 January 2004 10:00:42 UTC