Re: [VE][107] Error Message Feedback

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004, Vladimir Jovanovic wrote:

> This error is not clear. I don't know what is a "VI delimiter".

It is indeed unclear to most people, and so are things like "REFC
delimiter". You won't find such things explained in most HTML
tutorials and textbooks. I hope some explanations will be added to the
validator's pages. Here's a longish explanation about VI:

In SGML, the term "VI", which is short for "value indicator", denotes the
string that is used in an attribute specification between the attribute's
name and its value. In the reference concrete syntax, which is used e.g.
in HTML, the string used as VI is "=", i.e. equals sign. Thus, if you are
validating an HTML document, read VI as "=".

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Thursday, 19 August 2004 19:53:23 UTC