Re: Validator error

Olivier Thereaux wrote:

> Greetings,
> On Thursday, Sep 25, 2003, at 08:13 Asia/Tokyo, Ferdie Klesch wrote:
>> The validator treats the following as valid, when it's not.
>>   <h2 <em>What is HTML?</em></h2>
>>   <h1 <i>Hello there</i></h1>
>>   <em <b>Hi There</b></em>
> Strange as it may seem, that's actually valid, it's "shorthand markup".
> Not very pretty, I agree, but valid.
> see <> for the underlying 
> technical explanation.
> Thanks

I believe that SGML was originally designed to make it as
easy as possible for human beings to code it, therefore all
the ways of "cutting corners" or whatever one wishes to
call the minimization of clerk work.

Now, with easier and simpler XML (and all its
adjunctive technologies), I think we have finally
arrived at markup which is virtually impossble for
a human being to hand-code.

Once upon a time there was a product called SoftQuad
Panorama, and its inventor, Yuri Rubinsky, had a vision
of "SGML on the Web" -- a very diferent web than we
have today.  (We have "open standard" Adobe Acrobat,
etc. instead!)

I remember the issue of the SGML community newsletter,
July 1998 I think it was, that declared Sgml was a
"dead language, like latin".

Perhaps we are in a historical situation today similar
to the advent of printed books in China and Korea
ca. 1000 AD --> the promise was not fulfilled.
Will some other culture give rise to
the equivalent of the master printers of the
European Renaissance to similarly fulfill
the promise of SGML and the Web in another place
and time?

\brad mccormick

   Let your light so shine before men,
               that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

   Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. /
   Visit my website ==>

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2003 18:03:02 UTC