Re: struts-tomcat output validating as xhtml 1.1 ? dropping URL part after semicolon, i.e.. "jsessionid=..."

* Ralf Hauser wrote:
>, but also on the
>validator side, there seem to be shortcomings - i.e. pages that are only
>shown to logged in users are not validated since the validater appears to
>drop a part of the URL (

The validator does not; maybe the URI in that bug report works for you
but it does not work for me, I also get error 500. Maybe the page
depends on some Cookie beeing set or something like that.

>Also, I had troubles with the css

Your web browser does not send a Referer:-header for the specific
request or between you and is some proxy server that
filters the referer header out.

The CSS Validator does not support SSL (AFAICT).

Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2003 02:25:24 UTC