Re: Installing 0.60 on Debian

OK, so before reinventing the wheel ;o)

I was just on my way to setting up a debian package.
But why isn't your package in debian itself? did they refuse it?

Frederic Schutz zei:
> Hi,
>>here is how I've done it.
> [...]
>>The good side about this is that I can do a cvs update in every
>>directory of the validator to update.
> Note that there is a Debian package available for the validator; if you
> use it, everything will be installed/configured automatically
> (including Apache), but you may not be able to install the latest CVS
> version as easily as you do it currently -- you can still do it, but
> combining files from different versions of the same program can cause
> problems. In the other hand, the Debian package will also be regularly
> updated (but only with regular versions, not with every CVS changes).
> You can find it (as well as a few other packages needed, see below) at
> (or woody, or testing/sarge or
> unstable/sid depending on the Debian version you're using). You can
> also use apt to get the files, just add the following line in your
> /etc/apt/sources.list file:
> deb ./
> and type
> apt-get update
> apt-get install w3c-markup-validator
> to install everything. Note that this package has only had limited
> testing, and any feedback (positive/negative) is more than welcome !
>>*NOTE: I had to edit the /var/www/validator-0.60/cgi-bin/check to
>>remove the -R line in the call for the sgml parser on line 476.
> If you're using the stable version of Debian ("Woody"), the opensp
> package is a pre-version of 1.5, which doesn't understand the -R
> switch. You can find a Debian package of opensp 1.5 (which knows about
> the -R switch) for Woody in the same directory than the validator
> package (if you configured sources.list as described above, you can
> also use "apt-get install opensp" to replace your current version of
> opensp).
> Frédéric


Wim Fournier

Received on Monday, 16 December 2002 03:37:51 UTC