Re: Probable bug in the validator.

On 11:58 PM 7/22/00 Jonathan Blank - Mailing List Account
<> wrote:

> It says that there is no attribute "NAME", but there most certainly
> is! (By the way, this problem occurs with BOTH the 3.2 DTD and the 4.0
> Transitional DTD)

Name is not defined for img in either HTML 3.2 or HTML 4.0.  It is only
defined in 4.01.

> Please consult:
> As you can see, there is most definitely a "name" attribute.

That references the HTML 4.01 spec.

Bugs in the validator are usually markup problems in your page.  That is
not to say that the validator doesn't ever have a bug, but if I had a
nickel for every time someone discovered a bug in the validator which
actually turned on to be their bad markup, I'd be pretty well off :-)
Jim Correia                                Bare Bones Software, Inc.                     <>

Received on Sunday, 23 July 2000 00:08:05 UTC