javascript form name?

Hi I was testing out a simple page (i am learning CSS/DHTML but also was trying out client side image maps)

I was surprised that it flagged FORM NAME since Javascript names are fairly routine for many tags.

I can reluctantly agree that ACTION is required, but that would be only for server/mailto POST/GET, and again not required for javascript.

I'd love your feedback on this, if not to also include it in your DTD?

-- Philip

Line 47, column 11: 

       <form NAME="ff"><input type="text" size="30" name="tty"></form>

     Error: there is no attribute "NAME"

     Line 47, column 15: 

       <form NAME="ff"><input type="text" size="30" name="tty"></form>

     Error: required attribute "ACTION" not specified

Received on Friday, 21 July 2000 18:49:12 UTC