RE: XHTML Validator question

On Monday, August 07, 2000 at 15:30, (Mcguigan, Thomas C
(Tom), NBSO) wrote:

> Attached please find temp2.htm, which I just tried to validate (using the
> file upload function).  The Validator results were:
> File: g:\tmcguigan\temp2.htm Character encoding: unknown Document type:
> XML Below are the results of checking this document for XML
> well-formedness and validity.
> Uh oh! I got the following unknown error:
> /usr/local/bin/nsgmls:
> 27:E: omitted tag minimization parameter can be omitted only if "OMITTAG
> NO" is specified on the SGML declaration Please make sure you specified
> the DOCTYPE properly! You should make the first line of your HTML document
> a DOCTYPE declaration, like this: 

The problem is the file name. I get the same results using IE 5.0 on a Mac
with the upload page. If I rename it to .html I get better results. If I add
a mapping to IE's preferences to map .htm to text/html I also get better
results. So, make sure your web browser is set to send a mime type of
text/html for files ending in .htm as well as .html.

Christian Smith  |  |

He who dies with the most friends... Is still dead!

Received on Monday, 7 August 2000 15:47:22 UTC