Re: [css3-ui] cursor:auto (Issue 48)

> On Feb 3, 2015, at 9:49 AM, Florian Rivoal <> wrote:
> However, even if the cursor on the element is not set to auto, UAs may want to
> show a resize cursor over the resize handle, although browsers are
> inconsistent about this: FF shows a resize cursor over the resize handle
> regardless of the cursor property, chrome never shows a resize cursor, safari
> only shows a resize cursor if the cursor property is auto. Demo here:
> Whether this is done by building the resize handle with web components (or
> similar) and styling that, or by having the UA ignore the cursor property when
> interactive with native controls, this shows that including this behavior into
> the 'auto' value is neither needed nor sufficient deal with this use case.
> => 'auto' does not need to account for resize handles

I'm not sure I agree. I'd rather get interop. Firefox's behavior means where detecting if you are over a resize handle is similar to detecting if you are over a scrollbar (that is, non of CSS's business). Webkit's/Blink's behavior is  treating it more like the auto-detection of being over text, which we could specify. Am I right?

Received on Sunday, 8 February 2015 02:12:40 UTC