RE: why not MediaQueryList.onchange

± > Hey,
± >
± > I wonder why MediaQueryList defines its own listener interface
± > (MediaQueryListListener) instead of just defining an change event on
± > the MediaQueryList itself?
± >
± > The reason I ask is because MediaQueryListListener is a pretty unique
± > snowflake in the web exposed APIs which makes it very costly to
± > implement and somewhat unintuitive to use.
± The CSSWG resolved today to do what this thread suggests:
± * make MediaQueryList an EventTarget
± * fire a non-bubbling "change" event at it whenever things change
± * alias the existing addListener(...) to addEventListener("change", ...); same
± with removeListener()

Does it include the "mq.onchange" property?

Received on Monday, 19 May 2014 12:39:34 UTC