Re: CSS Regions considered harmful

On 1/23/14, 1:11 PM, "Alan Gresley" <> wrote:

>On 24/01/2014 1:20 AM, Daniel Glazman wrote:
>> On 23/01/2014 14:01, Alan Gresley wrote:
>>> Does DTP often use WYSIWYG software?
>> Often????
>> Since 1983, almost _exclusively_... Electronic typesetting is usually
>> not Wysiwyg, but DTP is almost always Wysiwyg.
>So does this DTP done with Wysiwyg use templates with fixed height and
>width? If so, an increase in font leads to less horizontal space for
>What I mean is that DTP industry and the users of DTP software may like
>another means, like a CSS regions but are they used to working with
>templates that when viewed on display devices or by user with a minimum
>font size, somewhat tear the 'what you see is what you get' templates


We have been quite careful in CSS Regions to ensure that a region chain
can adapt to different named flow content and to changes in font size.
Regions can be auto-height and use all of the regular CSS facilities for
min-height, max-height and other layout constraints. Lacking any
constraints, a named flow will fit perfectly into the first region (which
sizes to fit that content). Regions is not trying to shoehorn WYSIWG in to
the web.



Received on Thursday, 23 January 2014 21:23:29 UTC