Re: [selectors4] List [xml:lang] and [xmlns] as selectors that do not work in XML

Le 25/09/2013 12:43, Leif Halvard Silli a écrit :
> The section on ‘Attribute selectors and namespaces’ says: [1]
> ]]
>     [|att] { color: green }
>      [att] { color: green }
>        [ … snip … ]
>     The last two rules are equivalent and will match only elements
>     with the attribute att where the attribute is not in a namespace.
> [[
> Hence, these rules would not work in a namespace aware XML parser:
>       [xmlns] { color: green }
>  [xml:lang] { color: green }

[xml:lang] is not valid Selector syntax. You probably want this:

   @namespace xml "";
   [xml|lang] { color: green }

As to [xmlns], some testing shows that a bare xmlns attribute (defining 
the default namespace) ends up in the DOM with 'namespaceURI' set to 
"". I have no idea why. So the way to 
select it (though I don’t know why you would want that) is:

   @namespace xmlns "";
   [xmlns|xmlns] { color: green }

Test cases:

data:application/xhtml+xml,<html xmlns="" 
xml:lang="fr"><style>@namespace xml 

xmlns=""><style>@namespace xmlns 

> Proposal: Please add a note/info that mentions @xml:foo and @xmlns as
> examples of common attributes that cannot, when occurring in a XML
> document, be styled with a simple [att]{} selector. It helps authors to
> understand the concept if they see an actual, non-theoretical, example.
> [1]

I find this @xmlns parsing oddity more confusing than helpful in 
understanding namespaces.

Simon Sapin

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 13:42:19 UTC